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Does Rockstar Energy Drink Actually Work? (The Truth)

Rockstar has 160 mg caffeine per 16 fl. oz can, along with 24g sugar, and 122 calories. Rockstar can lift you in those activities that need physical performance. Now, the question is does the energy drink actually work? The short answer is, it does work, if the caffeine amount matches your caffeine tolerance, it surely …

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Rockstar vs. Coffee (The Real Star)

Rockstar Energy Drink is probably a better choice than coffee if you’re looking for something that can give you a stronger energy boost. A standard can of Rockstar Energy contains 160 mg caffeine, 250 calories, vitamins, and 63 grams of added sugar. This fusion of strong ingredients can definitely jumpstart your daily performance. But I …

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Do Energy Drinks Contribute To Water Retention? (Revealed)

To function, the human body needs energy. The body’s processes, including movement and metabolism, are powered by energy. 

The body needs energy to generate heat and keep itself at a healthy temperature. Specifically, almost every bodily activity requires energy! 

Humans get most of their energy from their nutrition. The amount of energy you receive will also be poor if you eat a diet high in poor nutrients, but your energy levels will remain high if you eat a diet high in rich nutrients. 

Brands develop beverages specifically designed for this use—fueling your body with nutrients to give you the energy you need to get through the day. 

However, there are adverse effects specific to energy drinks that can range in severity from moderate to severe. When it comes to the less serious side effects of energy drinks, water retention can be one of them.

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