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Do Energy Drinks Make you Angry? (Truth)

Nearly 3 Billion people worldwide are employed and they work their fingers to the bone daily, to carry on with such hectic routines, most people like to consume caffeine, either in the form of tea, energy drink, or coffee.

If you are one of these people, who love to consume caffeinated drinks such as energy drinks, then we have gathered quite some information for you that you would love to read!

Do you often stay angry or do you experience mood swings such as feeling irritated and anxious? Then your caffeinated energy drink might be one of the reasons.

It is true that the caffeine present in energy beverages makes you angry and can cause anxiety!

Are you intrigued by the information which is just given to you? Well, stick to reading this article and keep scrolling with us.

Let’s first check the common energy drinks ingredients and see which components of energy drinks are likely to cause this trouble!

Common Ingredients of Energy Drinks

Energy Drinks are the beverages that provide us the extra energy that we need for the completion of various tasks!

The ingredients of the drink might vary from each other giving it distinct benefits and qualities, however, the following are a few common ingredients found in almost every energy drink:


Caffeine, being the world’s most consumed psychoactive drug, is the main ingredient of almost every energy drink.

It is a natural stimulant, and hence it has certain effects on one’s brain. It can keep you wide awake if you want to wear off that unnecessary drowsiness.

When we drink caffeine, it reduces the action of adenosine by attaching itself to the receptors. As adenosine is responsible for making you drowsy so caffeine suppresses its effects.

However, this is not all, there are certain negative effects of caffeine on the brain. Caffeine can cause anxiety as it increases cortisol and adrenaline (Epinephrine). This anxiety and irritability in turn can make a person angry.

Moreover, too much caffeine ingestion can disturb your sleep pattern and you are likely to experience sleepless nights. Not sleeping can also cause you to become angry and moody.

caffeine in energy drinks
Caffeine is the key ingredient in Bucked up energy drink

Following are a few psychological and physical side effects of caffeine:

  • agitation
  • sleep problems
  • restlessness
  • twitching
  • dizziness
  • increased heart rate
  • nausea
  • diarrhea
  • changes in mood

In order to avoid any kind of negative side effects of caffeine, you should try keeping your caffeine intake below 400 mg of caffeine.

Caffeine Dependency

When you consume too much caffeine, you become dependent on caffeine. The reason is that when you drink too much caffeine, so for a time being the caffeine molecule blocks the receptors of adenosine.

However, adenosine receptors increase later, and the same amount of caffeine is not enough to block the receptors, this increases your need to increase your caffeine intake and in this way, you become dependent on caffeine because the same amount of caffeine stops working on you.

In the same way, if you consume too many energy drinks having high dosages of caffeine, then you can become kind of addicted to them.

Caffeine Withdrawal

As the name suggests, caffeine withdrawal happens when you try quitting caffeine. You are likely to face some signs when you become dependent on caffeine.

Caffeine withdrawal symptoms can include insomnia, headaches, and stomach upset. For some people, the symptoms are mild and will subside in a few days.

For others, the withdrawal symptoms may be more severe and lead to withdrawal cravings. People who are sensitive to caffeine withdrawal may also experience anxiety and irritability.

Caffeine withdrawal symptoms can also make you extremely angry and annoyed.

A few symptoms of caffeine withdrawal can be:

  • Headaches.
  • Tiredness.
  • Difficulty concentrating.
  • Nausea.
  • Muscle pain.
  • Irritability.

The best way to avoid caffeine withdrawal symptoms is to reduce your caffeine dosage gradually rather than quitting it altogether.

For your reference and better understanding, here’s a table listing the amount of caffeine in a few popular energy drinks.

Energy DrinksCaffeine Content
Red Bull80mg (8.4oz)
Monster 160mg (16oz)
Rockstar160mg (16oz)
NOS160mg (16oz)
G Fuel300mg (16oz)
Caffeine in different brands

For a more detailed comparison of the amount of caffeine present in several energy drinks here’s another article that you can read about What Energy Drink Has the Most Caffeine? (Explained)


Sucrose, sugar, white sugar, or table sugar is a granulated sweet crystalline molecule that we consume daily.

Consuming sugar does not have any other benefits than providing you a momentary energy burst which soon ends up in nothing but agitation, irritation, and anger.

The reason is that when you consume too much sugar, then your blood sugar goes crazily up. However, soon when your blood sugar level starts dropping, your energy level also goes down. As a result, you end up feeling annoyed and angry.

Not only this, but then your body will demand more sugary food to elevate your mood again. However, this will only increase your body weight, nothing else.

A few other side effects of sugar are:

  • Higher blood pressure
  • Body Inflammation
  • Weight gain
  • Diabetes
  • Fatty liver disease 
sucrose in energy drinks
Most energy drinks contain sucrose which can cause mood swings


Guarana is a small, bright red berry native to the Amazon rainforest. The Guarana berry has been used for centuries as a stimulant and to promote energy.

Guarana contains a unique combination of caffeine, theophylline, and theobromine, which gives it a unique stimulant effect. Guarana is also a great source of antioxidants, which help to protect your cells from the damage caused by free radicals.

Today, Guarana is most commonly used as a flavor and caffeine booster in energy drinks. Guarana is the most common natural source of caffeine and is the third-most-popular ingredient in energy drinks after caffeine and sugar.

As it is rich in caffeine, so it is likely to cause mood swings and make you irritated and angry.


Ginseng is a plant with roots that are used in traditional Chinese medicine. They have been used in remedies for centuries to treat a range of symptoms, from cough and fatigue to anxiety and insomnia.

It is among the most expensive and revered plants in the world. But what makes ginseng so special?

Today, ginseng is most often used as a dietary supplement. It is believed to increase energy levels and improve physical and mental performance. Ginseng has many health benefits, including improving memory and improving cardiovascular health.

Ginseng in energy drinks
Ginseng regulates hormones and reduces stress

There are many studies that show that Ginseng can have positive effects on your mood, however, there are certain studies that show that Ginseng can actually cause mood swings and anger.


Taurine, also known as a taurine conjugate, is a sulfur-containing amino acid. It is the most abundant free amino acid in the human body and is critical for development.

Taurine is used as a dietary supplement and in the treatment of gout. One of humans’ most common sources of taurine is animal-based protein, such as fish, poultry, and red meat.

It is also added to energy drinks for improving athletic performance.

B Vitamins

The B vitamins are water-soluble vitamins that the body requires, and are found naturally in food such as meat, eggs, and dairy.

They are also available as a supplement in tablet form and are necessary for healthy skin, hair, and nails, and for energy and cell growth — all of which are essential to a complete, healthy, and active life.

B vitamins are usually classified by the chemical elements they contain (B1, B2, B3, B6, folate, B12) and by the way they are found naturally or are made synthetically.

They also help the body in several other ways. Not only do they help provide energy to your body, but they also help keep your immune system strong, can promote longer life, and may help prevent some of the health problems that come with getting older.

B Vitamins are also great for improving your mood and reducing anxiety.

Can Energy Drinks Make you Aggressive?

Energy drinks can cause you to become irritated and annoyed due to the hormone-disturbing ingredients present in them.

Caffeine, sugar, and Guarana altogether or separately can cause mood swings which include feeling angry and agitated.

When you get angry, your body’s fight or flight response is triggered. This increases your body’s levels of cortisol and adrenaline.

This can cause people to have more muscle tension, tend to breathe faster, and have increased heart rate and blood pressure. It makes their bodies more likely to engage in physical activity, which can include fighting, running, and kicking.

However, evidence shows that too much anger can cause short-term health problems, such as muscle tension, fatigue, headaches, and backaches.

Can Energy Drinks Make you Hungry?

Energy drinks can make you hungry as they are full of sugar and no fiber at all. You might feel full for a while, but soon you will end up being hungry.

The sugar present in energy drinks might increase your cravings for eating something sweet. This can even lead to overeating, so you might end up gaining weight.

Final Verdict

  • It is true that energy drinks make you angry and can cause anxiety!
  • Ingredients such as caffeine, sugar, and Guarana can cause you to become angry and annoyed,
  • In order to save yourself from such symptoms and the negative outcome, choose an energy drink containing a lesser amount of such ingredients.

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