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Do Energy Drinks Make You Nervous? (Answered)

The use of energy drinks has become widespread. Energy drinks are consumed by everyone, including students and athletes.

Many of its customers bemoan the fact that they feel restless and uneasy after drinking it, despite the fact that it is very popular. Nervousness is a side effect of energy drinks since they contain caffeine. Most likely consuming too many energy drinks, is the cause.

It may just last for a moment, but it usually begins with a surge of nervousness and a rapid heartbeat. However, if you consume a lot of caffeinated drinks, energy drinks may cause you to feel uncomfortable.

We’ll talk about how caffeine impacts our body in this piece and discover more about nervousness. Let’s get going.

Ingredients Often Found in Energy Drinks

Before trying to judge the effects an energy drink can have on you, It would be helpful to first try to understand which ingredients are commonly included in Energy Drinks.

The main ingredients in energy drinks are the following:

caffeine, taurine, glucuronolactone, B vitamins, guarana, gluten, sweeteners, soy, antioxidants, and trace minerals. Other essential ingredients include carbohydrates, gluten, taurine, ginseng, and l-carnitine.

Can Caffeine be the Reason for Nervousness?

As a psychoactive substance, caffeine has the potential to affect a variety of nervous system activities, from mood to other cognitive processes.

In tiny amounts, it is usually safe. Large doses, however, may cause unfavorable side effects including jitters and anxiety.

Caffeine use is linked to increased anxiety and a greater chance of having a panic attack in those with panic disorder, according to studies.

People with anxiety should either stay away from energy drinks or only drink them occasionally. It would seem that people without a preexisting anxiety disorder are unlikely to experience anxiety when they consume caffeine.

The Food and Drug Administration (FDA) states that a typical adult can typically drink up to 400mg of caffeine per day without suffering any negative or detrimental effects, such as:

  • Nausea
  • Jitters and crashes from sweat
  • Restlessness
  • Quickly breathing
  • Insomnia
  • Dizziness
  • Anxiety
  • Dehydration
  • Depression
Learn more about caffeine and its effects

Does Sugar Make You Nervous?

Although glucose, lactose, and fructose are among the other types of sugar, simple table sugar (sucrose) is the one that is most frequently used. All of them are thought of as carbs.

The most common form of sugar, sucrose, which is a sweetener with very little nutritional value, is typically found in energy drinks. Even though it can give you an immediate boost in energy, it wears off quickly.

The AHA (American Heart Association) advises a stricter limit of no more than 24 grams of added sugar for the majority of adult women, and no more than 36 grams for the majority of adult men.

Consuming sugar has numerous negative impacts, including:

  • Added Pounds Diabetes
  • Acne
  • Unbalanced Hormones
  • Obesity
  • Heart Issues
  • Cancer

Additionally, studies have linked sugar to depressive symptoms, mood swings, and anxiety. Many people still have a craving for sugary meals and drinks because it gives them an instant energy boost.

However, once the energy boost has peaked, blood sugar levels quickly drop, which results in fatigue, depression, and additional cravings.

Taurine and its Effects On the Brain

Taurine is an amino acid that has benefits for cognition and is a common ingredient in energy drinks.

Taurine’s potential significance in the healthy development of the brain is just one of its many benefits.

You are aware of the detrimental consequences that anxiety and depression have on your quality of life in general as well as on your ability to function well in school and at work.

Taurine may alleviate sadness by altering the depression-related signaling cascades in the hippocampus, claims a study.

However, that doesn’t mean you should start guzzling energy drinks. Too much taurine can lead to unpleasant side effects such as vertigo, nausea, and headaches.

The Effects of Energy Drinks on Your Mental Health

Excessive consumption of energy drinks can affect your mental health
Excessive consumption of energy drinks can affect your mental health

Energy drinks only have an impact on you if you consume too much of them or combine them with other hazardous foods and beverages. Having said that, some individuals with medical issues may be harmed by the substances in energy drinks.

Caffeine, which is the primary component of energy drinks, has a serious negative impact on mental health. Many people turn to caffeine in the morning or late at night to stay alert and awake for extended periods of time.

Daily management and monitoring of caffeine use are necessary to prevent its negative effects. Despite all of that, caffeine can cause some problems for our bodies.

The following are some negative effects of excessive caffeine intake:

  • Dehydration
  • Gastrointestinal issues and insomnia
  • Anxiety \Restlessness
  • Sweating and shakiness

Let’s learn more about some of the main side effects of energy drinks on our mental health and how to prevent them after learning about the negative effects of caffeine usage.


Using too many energy drinks may make you anxious due to the caffeine level. It directly affects your mood and might make you anxious.

Energy drinks lift your spirits, but consuming too many might make you anxious. Make sure to control your consumption to prevent anxiety episodes.

Sleep disturbance

Every man has to get some much-needed rest to unwind. The best remedy for getting some rest and boosting your energy and performance level is sleep.

Energy drinks are typically consumed in order to avoid falling asleep because they maintain your body in an emergency mode, which can be harmful to your health.

Effects of Increased Levels of Blood Sugar and Blood Pressure

Although some energy drinks are sugar-free, most do use sugar to boost energy. Numerous heart conditions and diabetes have sugar as their primary cause. Your heart rate is also affected by the caffeine in energy drinks.

As a result, the AHA advises that an average man should not consume more than 36g of sugar per day and an average woman should not consume more than 25g. Therefore, it would be best if you made an effort to reduce your sugar intake as much as you can.

Can I Have One Energy Drink a Day?

Despite the fact that these drinks are only advertised to adults, but still adults, teenagers, and young adults all use energy drinks at a high rate.

Nevertheless, if you pick the correct energy drink, it can actually be beneficial for your health. One serving per day would be good as long as you’re consuming the correct energy drink with zero to low sugar and calorie contents.

Here is a list of energy drinks with minimal calories and no added sugar:

Energy DrinksSugar ContentCalorie ContentCaffeine Content
Monster Energy Zero Ultra
(A Sugar-Free Energy Drink)
0 g10140 mg
G Fuel Energy Drink0 g0300 mg
Rockstar Energy Drink 0 g25161 mg
Marquis Sugar-Free0 g25100 mg
List of healthy energy drinks

How Can I Avoid Becoming Nervous?

Moderate consumption of energy drinks is the key to keeping healthy
Moderate consumption of energy drinks is the key to keeping healthy

Energy drinks’ negative effects and excessive caffeine intake are preventable. Even while energy drinks provide you with immediate energy after drinking them, it takes hours for the caffeine to leave your system.

After being consumed, caffeine starts to work after 10 minutes and remains in the blood for the following 10 hours.

You must therefore experiment with alternative methods to lessen the effects of caffeine and energy drinks and prevent yourself from experiencing anxiety or panic attacks as a result.

I’ve provided a table with some exercises and proactive steps to reduce anxiety brought on by energy drinks:

Other WaysExplanation
Reduce Caffeine UsageTo state the obvious, it is imperative to quit consuming coffee from all sources in order to reduce anxiety.
Keep HydratedYou should drink lots of water because the caffeine in energy drinks dehydrates your body and takes hours to exit your system.
Do WalkWalking or running can help you burn off the additional energy that caffeine has given you, but stop if your heart starts beating too quickly.
Deep InhalationIt is advised to take deep breaths to let your heart rate return to normal and reduce stress in order to prevent the anxiety that energy drinks can cause.
Ways to overcome nervousness

Various Energy Drink Alternatives

The addiction to energy drinks is certain, but it must be realized that its end result is not very good.

Here are some healthy energy drink substitutes that you should include in your diet because, if not consumed responsibly, energy drinks may be very harmful to your health.

  • Grate Juice.
  • Fruit and vegetable smoothies.
  • Natural tea.
  • Kombucha.


  • Although there are numerous potential adverse effects from energy drinks, feeling anxious is not one of them.
  • Caffeine is the most commonly utilized ingredient in energy drinks since it helps you focus.
  • Energy drinks have a number of negative side effects if used excessively; in fact, numerous people have had heart attacks and strokes as a result of using energy drinks like Monster on a regular basis.
  • As long as you drink energy drinks sparingly, they’re healthy.
  • Furthermore, because sugar can be harmful to your health, I advise you to avoid energy drinks with a lot of sugar in them.

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