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Can Energy Drinks Make You Go to the Bathroom? (Truth)

Short answer: YES! Energy Drinks can make you go to the bathroom.

We have always heard about the benefits of energy drinks, for instance, how it manages to keep us active and alert or how it improves our work performance.

However, these energy drinks have certain side effects, and different individuals process these side effects at different rates.

Out of the many side effects, one of the drawbacks of energy drinks is that they can make you go to the bathroom quite frequently.

If you are wondering why energy drinks make you poop frequently or energy drinks make you pee a lot, then you are not alone. It is due to the ingredients present in energy drinks, mainly caffeine.

Let’s analyze how or why energy drinks make you go the bathroom.

What is an Energy Drink?

An energy drink is a beverage manufactured in a particular way with certain energy-boosting ingredients and stimulants; these ingredients boost certain brain chemicals and regulate important hormones which alter your brain function and make you feel active and awake.

Since the 1900s, energy drinks have evolved greatly. Unlike conventional sugary drinks, you can find several energy drinks that are based on other performance-boosting ingredients.

However, still, the debate goes on about the consumption of energy drinks, which makes this beverage kind of controversial.

Certain side effects have been noticed over time, which are associated with the consumption of energy drinks such as irregular bowel movements, dizziness, nausea, diarrhea, and so on.

The question arises that what factors make energy drinks capable of harming individuals in such ways. Let’s continue to unveil this problem!

Main Ingredients of Energy Drinks

Commonly energy drinks contain the following main ingredients:

  • Caffeine
  • Sugar
  • Taurine
  • B Vitamins
  • Ginseng
  • Guarana

Not all of these ingredients make you go to the washroom, however, a few ingredients added in energy drinks act in a certain way which might be responsible for this problem!


Caffeine is a widely known ingredient for its great benefits such as an increase in mental capabilities, physical strength, and activity.

The recommended daily intake of caffeine is 400 mg and to avoid the side effects of caffeine, you should not surpass it.

Caffeine can make you jittery and confused if you take it more than it is recommended or if you are someone who is sensitive to caffeine.

According to many studies, caffeine enables alertness in the brain by blocking the adenosine molecules from getting themselves attached to the receptors of adenosine.

Adenosine, which is responsible for making you drowsy, is suppressed by the caffeine molecules.

Almost every energy drink contains caffeine as its primary ingredient and caffeine, as a stimulant, maximizes the benefits of energy drinks.

roasted coffee beans
Caffeine is a diuretic substance


Following are the benefits of caffeine:

  • Caffeine increases brain and bodily activity.
  • Among many cognitive benefits, caffeine also increases the memory of an individual.
  • Caffeine regulates your metabolism.
  • It also increases fat burning process.
  • Caffeine consumption freshens your mind.

Side Effects

Caffeine can be overwhelming for some people and they might not be able to gain the same benefits of caffeine as every other normal individual. Following are the side effects of caffeine:

  • Caffeine causes jitters and nervousness.
  • The consumption of caffeine can cause nausea.
  • It can be responsible for causing headaches in caffeine-sensitive people.
  • Caffeine can cause irregular bowel movements.
  • Caffeine can increase urination as it is a diuretic.

Does Caffeine Make You Go to the Bathroom?

Even though the research is still going on, many pieces of research show that caffeine can increase your need to go to the bathroom.

Caffeine is a diuretic substance, which means it increases urine production. It increases urine production by inhibiting Anti-Diuretic Hormone (ADH).

Antidiuretic hormone (ADH) signals the brain to make kidneys release less water, which decreases the amount of urine. However, when caffeine inhibits its production, so lower levels of ADH lead to frequent urine production. This increases your urge to pee more than usual.

Caffeine also increases your stomach muscles and colon activity, so these caffeinated energy drinks will make you poop.

However, this might not always be the case because everyone’s body reacts differently to the consumption of caffeine. If you wonder why energy drinks make me poop, then you must be someone whose stomach is sensitive to caffeine.

Let’s take a look at the amount of caffeine present in a few popular energy drinks.

Energy DrinksCaffeine Content
Red Bull80mg (8.4oz)
Monster 160mg (16oz)
Rockstar160mg (16oz)
NOS160mg (16oz)
G Fuel300mg (16oz)
Caffeine in different brands


A herbal ingredient, Ginseng, has been a part of ancient medicine for centuries.

Its inclusion in energy drinks verifies the cognitive boosting abilities of the energy drink. Researches show that Ginseng increases mental abilities such as enhancing memory and critical thinking of a person.

It also reduces fatigue of a person if taken orally. It can be said that Ginseng is an effective ingredient to be added to energy drinks. Along with these functions, Ginseng also has the following benefits:

  • It reduces the chances of an individual catching a cold.
  • It improves erectile functions.
  • Ginseng also improves athletic performance.

However, even herbal medicines can show a few side effects; Ginseng displays the following side effects in some cases:

  • Ginseng might cause birth defects, if you are pregnant, avoid consuming it.
  • If you are suffering from hormone-sensitive conditions, then Ginseng can worsen the condition as it imitates estrogen.
  • It can cause insomnia.
  • It is also linked with digestive issues.
Ginseng roots
Ginseng roots in energy drinks can cause an upset stomach

Does Ginseng in Energy Drinks Make You Go to the Bathroom?

Studies have shown that Ginseng has diuretic properties and it might stimulate your bladder, which will increase the frequency and urgency of urination.

Moreover, Ginseng consumption has also been linked to upset stomachs such as diarrhea, bloating, and gases. These factors might increase your bathroom visits!


Sugar is the most common ingredient found in almost every kitchen. If keeping a bit of science in mind, then sugar is a simple carbohydrate,

It is a caloric sweetener with no nutrition. It might add taste to your food, but no benefit to your health.

However, it is added to many energy drinks because of the taste and the quick energy-boosting ability of the sugar, as it is a carbohydrate.

Does Sugar in Energy Drinks Make You Go to the Bathroom?

Sugar is considered diuretic in nature, this means that it can increase your urination just like any other diuretic substance.

By reducing the absorption of water from the kidneys, sugar causes you to pee more naturally.

Moreover, carbs require more water for digestion, which might make you feel dehydrated. As a result, you might end up drinking more water and urinating more.

Energy Drinks have high sugar content

Does Energy Drink Cause Diarrhea?

Generally, these energy drinks do not harm your stomach significantly. However, individuals who are sensitive to caffeine or have an over-sensitive stomach might end up several times in the bathroom.

For some people, caffeine can cause an upset stomach, which might lead to diarrhea, nausea, and vomiting.

Moreover, another ingredient such as Guarana, which is rich in caffeine, can also contribute to your need to go to the washroom.

Do Energy Drinks Cause Constipation?

Energy drinks contain caffeine and sugar as their main ingredients which are considered diuretics. These ingredients can make you lose more water than usual, and this might lead to dehydration.

Once you stay dehydrated, you can get constipation; in fact, the most common symptom of constipation is dehydration.

However, the likelihood of becoming extremely dehydrated from energy drinks to getting constipation is quite low. But make sure to complete your water requirement just to avoid unpleasant experiences.

Does Gatorade Make You Go to the Bathroom?

Energy drinks usually cause side effects such as an upset stomach. However, Gatorade is a sports drink, not an energy drink and it does not contain caffeine, so it is not likely to cause any diuretic effect.

However, if you have constipation, then the dextrose present in it might make it easier for you to break constipation by making you go to the bathroom!

Learn more about Diuretics!

Does Red Bull Make You Go to the Bathroom?

If taken in moderation, then Red Bull will not increase your visits to the bathroom. However, if you drink Red Bull excessively, then you might feel the need to go to the bathroom.

The presence of caffeine can increase urination and a crowded colon.

Metabolism of sugar requires more water. When your body will utilize high amounts of water in a single function, then you will end up being thirsty and drinking more water. Eventually, drinking more water will lead to more urination, easy science!

If you are someone with diabetes, do not consume these sugary energy drinks. The high blood sugar level will cause you to urinate more and you will face other life-threatening risks.

Final Verdict

Energy drinks are effective drinks, which work to provide an individual with a significant amount of energy.

These energy drinks contain ingredients such as caffeine, sugar, vitamins, taurine, and other ingredients.

However, a few ingredients such as caffeine, Guarana, and sugar can make you urinate more than usual due to the certain hormones they regulate and inhibit.

Overall, these issues can be resolved by drinking these energy drinks in moderation.

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